When someone is getting exactly what you want and you feel jealousy rearing it’s ugly head... the last thing you may want to do is cheer them on.
Do it anyway.
When you want revenge because they hurt you so badly.. the last thing you may want to do is forgive them.
Do it anyway.
When you are so busy and rushing to and from everything... the last thing you may want to do is stop and help someone in need.
Do it anyway.
When your heart is broken and you don’t want to keep going... and the last thing you may want to do is keep fighting.
Do it anyway.
When you can’t breathe because fear is taking over your mind... the last thing you may want to do is ask for help.
Do it anyway.
When you could choose a million other things... The last thing you may want to choose is love.
Do it anyway.
Do it because you’re called to be set apart.
Do it because God put it in you.
Do it because people are watching how you will respond.
Do it so you can be an example of God’s amazing love.
Do it because the world needs it.
Do it, friend, because if you don’t, who will?
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog