I can easily lay it all out there for you, Jesus.
I can tell you my hopes and dreams.
I can beg you to answer my prayers.
I know how to tell you what it is that I want.
I do it all the time.
But Jesus, your will be done.
That is ultimately what I want my heart song to sound like.
I hope and pray for this, but even if it doesn’t happen that way...
I want your will.
Even if it’s not mine.
Even if it hurts.
Because even if your plans don’t align with mine, I know your plans are always good.
There are so many things my heart desires and I’m not afraid to tell you.
Help me to desire your will most.
Because I know that’s how it needs to be.
And even if it aches my soul, I want to be a part of your great plan.
Help me lay my plans aside when they collide with yours.
Help me remember that I can’t see what you can see.
Your will is always the way, it’s always good, and it’s always what this world needs.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog